Ancient Monuments and Ruins
Photo: Daniel Villadsen
The Keops pyramid in Gaza outside Cairo was built in 2560 BC. The oldest of the long nozzles in Pipstorn Forest northeast of Faaborg was built approx. 3600 - 3200 BC. Incidentally, otherwise without any comparison.
Pipstorn Forest
Welcome -There was a “graveyard” here in Pipstorn for more than 4,000 years. Afterwards the woods encroached. And today, Pipstorn is a mixture of ancient burial sites, forestry operations (at Holstenh...
Finstrup Kirkeruin
Here once lay the village of Finstrup, with the parish church, parsonage and priest. The village was demolished over 300 years ago. The Funen Bishop Jacob Madsen, whose visitation book from 1588-1604 ...
Prehistoric Monuments at the nature area Tarup-Davinde
Rolfshøj, Rolighedsvej. Anes Høj, Ibjergvej. Bronzealderhøje, Hudevad Byvej 31. Long Barrows and hills.
Lyø Dolmen
Once, long ago, about 52 barrows and dolmens lay on Lyø. Today, only 5 of them remain intact. The dolmens were used as burial chambers for the leading figures on Lyø society as well as their families....