Galleri Næste Storm
Galleri Scheffmann is located in Faaborg's pedestrian street
Open artist workshops in the old harbour office (right by the island ferry)
In the workshops you can get an insight into the different working processes, enjoy small exhibitions and buy finished works and handicrafts.
The studio has three workshops:
Pia Voetmann: Paintings, prints and sculptures
Lene Andersen/The Clay Craftswoman: Ceramics and courses
Drawing workshop Lindgreen&alt: Graphic prints and works on paper
We don't have fixed opening hours, but we are here daily and we are open when the flag is out on the facade. You are also welcome to make an appointment for a visit or guided tour.
Pia Voetmann tel: 40884160
Lene Andersen tel: 25371904
Pil Lindgreen can only be contacted by email: